Pornography has become a normal online search and has become increasingly immersive. How does this change people's relationships, sexual behavior and sexual desires? There are generally some basic signals that porn is having a positive effect on society, yet it is not always easy to determine how it operates, or who exactly is affected. This article aims to shed some light on this phenomenon and why we should all be scared for the future.
Porn is being used by both men and women to fulfill their needs. Although it is accepted that men watch porn partners as a sexual outlet, many women do it in order to feel closer and connected with their partner. Women frequently compare their current sexual relationship to the early days of their relationship. It is common for them to feel as though they are still young and need a man just as much as a man needs a woman. This is why women feel the need to watch porn, even if they have never been involved in one before.
Is viewing porn videos use related to sexual addiction? It is clear that it can be. One study that was done showed that 90% of all persons who were exposed to pornography at some point in time will experience some sort of sexual addiction in their relationship in the future. Another study done on the same subject proved that men are more likely to seek a sexual addiction treatment center over any other type of addiction treatment center. The fact that men are seeking out treatment at a much higher rate than women shows that the effects of pornography use are far reaching and long lasting.
In recent years, there have been several studies that have tried to explain the porn gap between married couples. Although most of these studies have shown that porn does affect the relationship between married couples, there was still a difference between married couples that were exposed to pornography and those that weren't. As already mentioned, people who are not exposed to this in their youth often grow up to be adults that don't view it as often as those who are. It is therefore safe to assume that there is a definite connection between exposure to pornography and sexual addiction when it comes to marriage.
Is exposure to pornography and sexual addiction also related to substance abuse and drug addiction? Yes, there is a great deal of substance abuse and drug addiction occurring related to pornography use. Although a correlation has been established, the cause-and-effect relationship isn't really known. There are several reasons why this may be the case. One of the most common reasons is the fact that sex addicts often use this media to escape real life stresses.
Is there a link between pornography and drug addiction? There have been some connections between sexual addicts and substance abuse, especially in the case of cocaine and crack. However, a recent study has been conducted in Sweden that did not find a significant correlation between sexual behavior and substance abuse. The results were instead very clear about the impact pornography has on attitudes towards consent, sex and responsibility. According to the study, exposure to pornography at a young age predicted an increased willingness to engage in sexual acts in the next five years.
If you think that porn will affect your relationship with your partner, then there are several things that you can do to avoid the negative effects. You can avoid exposing yourself to unnecessary stress and frustration by being more aware of what you are watching. Make sure that your partner is comfortable with the amount of time that you both spend watching it. If she is comfortable, there is a good chance that you will be as well. On the other hand, if she is uncomfortable with your porn watching and your response to her reaction, it is time for you to reassess your relationship.
As previously mentioned, people that are involved in committed relationships are less likely to be harmed by porn. However, it is never a good idea for one person to watch porn exclusively or with a specific partner. For couples that are serious about starting a long-term relationship, it is important that they work on their relationship outside of the traditional physical confines of the bedroom.